Leader v/s Boss – What Is the Difference?

Leader and boss are commonly used as the same approach. But it is entirely wrong perception because there is a lot of differences that can be easily viewed. To somehow a boss can be a leader but it isn’t essential. A boss is one holding good position, have a well-designed office and own power to take or influence to the finalize decisions. While the leader is a person from supervisors or the managers and other colleagues. Leader v/s boss is not a difficult thing to define due to different act and role.

Leader v/s Boss – Knowledge

Boss is a person considered to have complete knowledge and don’t find the need to learn more. While the leader is a one who believes in consistent learning. Leader own ability to learn from their junior as well as other colleagues.

Lead and Push

A leader is one who led their team by motivating towards the goal achievement. A boss believes on pushing their employees. They don’t bother to define objectives and provide guidelines, just seek for outcomes.

Value of Opinion

Leaders always prefer to spend their time in listening and understanding the opinion of the team. While a boss couldn’t be expected to listen to their employees at the time of decision making.

Initiative and Supervision

If an organization needs to start new projects and adopt a different approach. A leader always takes initiative to provide a guideline for their team. In such situation, bosses prefer to supervise their employees by standing aside.

Leader v/s boss can be defined well through a major difference that one of them consider the colleagues and team members as an essential asset of success. On the other hand, a boss just considers people as a source of tasks completed. 
